Easter Egg Hunt
First Baptist Church of Chickamauga 603 West 7th Street, Chickamauga, GA, United StatesEaster Egg Hunt for our little ones that attend FBC Preschool. Family in encouraged to attend.
Easter Egg Hunt for our little ones that attend FBC Preschool. Family in encouraged to attend.
Join your little ones to celebrate the completion of their school year. We'll have snacks and games and a sweet goodbye from our teachers and class helpers.
Meet us in the First Baptist Chickamauga gymnasium to send our 4 year olds off in glorious fashion for their next big school adventure. Congratulations, graduates!
Join us as we celebrate the achievements of our AWANA students. Parents are welcome to attend the ceremony and join their children afterward for a fun pizza party!
The first of the month is coming so that means it's time for another HOMESCHOOL LUNCH! All our homeschoolers who want to step away for a few hours to hang out with the one and only Michael Savadge are invited to join him at the EDGE center to caravan to Your Pie Pizza in Fort Oglethorpe at 12 PM on…
Etiam semper, nunc vitae volutpat efficitur, elit nibh egestas velit, sit amet euismod justo justo pharetra ipsum. Mauris tincidunt erat magna, ut fringilla erat ultrices et. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aenean a dolor turpis. Aenean tristique metus diam, id mollis magna efficitur nec. Sed venenatis arcu nisl, ac pharetra felis vestibulum…
We are heading to Oklahoma for our favorite camp, Falls Creek! The cost is $175 per student. If you need a way to pay, please speak to Michael Savadge. We will find a way to get you there! It is the most blessed part of our summer and we want everyone to join us!
Our KAINOS students are going to put their learning to work in the great city of Chicago. Please pray for them as they work with the mission teams in the metro-Chicago area and work to reach others for the Lord.
It's that time again! IT'S SUPER SUNDAY! Come and watch the Super Bowl with us at the EDGE center and enjoy snacks, games, and THE BIG GAME. Who are you rooting for? Wear your team colors and come scream with us. We hope to see you there!
It’s Valentine’s Day! Let us take your kids off your hands for a fun afternoon /evening to celebrate God’s greatest gift besides Jesus –your marriage! And the kids? Don’t worry! We’ll have tons of fun playing games, doing crafts, noshing on pizza and other healthy snacks*, and singing lots of fun songs! For more information, contact Michael or Joy Mays…
Are you tired of having nothing to do? We are too! Why not let off some of that Pandemic steam at Insane Paintball? Join us at the EDGE center on March 14th at noon and we will shoot some paint! If you need help with the payment or have questions about the trip, please speak to Michael Savadge. * Frequently…
Are you bored with being bored? We are too! Break out of your funk and join us on Sunday evening at 5 PM for a Mystery Dinner. What is it? NO ONE KNOWS. The only information we have is that we are meeting at the EDGE center at 5 PM and you need to bring $5. The rest of the…
It's time to kickoff and start our summer! Join us at the Vandiver home to swim, play games, eat and celebrate the end of the school year, the addition of new students to our ministry, and meet the summer interns! It's going to be a great summer, y'all!
THE INTERNS ARE HERE! We want you to meet them! Come by the EDGE center between 10 AM and 12 PM to hang out with your new best friends. We will have donuts and games and of course, INTERNS!
We're shaking Wednesday worship up a little bit this summer. Every week, we will have a theme! This week, it's 80's night! Don your neon, big hair, and leg warmers and show off your 80's style before we get our worship on. It'll be TOTALLY RAD.
COST: FREE LOCATION: FBC Gym Are you the best of the best? There's only one way to find out! Join us at the EDGE center at 2 PM to challenge yourself against other students to be the first name in the EDGE BOOK OF RECORDS! A waiver is required to participate, so please be sure to pop online and sign…
COST: $10 + money for food Summer is baseball season! We are taking our students to the Lookouts game. We will meet at the EDGE center at 5 PM. First, we will eat and then we will head to the ball field. Make sure you have your waivers signed and that you bring $10 for tickets and a little extra…
It's time for yet another theme night at the EDGE center. This week, we are honoring the great Michael Savadge with Dress Like Michael Night. Don those flip-flops and hoodies, students! We look forward to witnessing your Michael-ness at 6 PM at the EDGE center. And of course, we'll worship! *Cartoon Credit to the incredibly talented Jaden Hawkins!
COST: $6 + spending money Roll with us as we get out and have some fun at Hamilton Skate Place. We meet at the church at 5 PM. Bring money for skates and a little extra if you want to get snacks at the concession stand. As always, make sure you sign those waivers!
It is our very first service project of the summer! We are meeting at the EDGE center at 8:30 AM to head over to Camp New Dawn and help them tidy up for the first week of summer camp. Get those waivers signed and join us for a joyful time of service to those who serve Walker county's youth for…
We love our graduates! 2020 was a doozy of a year and they deserve all the love for persevering through a pandemic to get that diploma. Let's celebrate your achievements with some food! The Stone family is hosting both FBC and Oakwood Baptist for a graduate brunch at 11 AM. Come on out and eat some good food with fellow…
We are excited about going to Falls Creek near Davis, Oklahoma this summer for camp! Falls Creek offers a unique camp setting that is designed to challenge every student in their walk with Christ. Part of the Falls Creek experience is renting a cabin for our group to stay in. This year we will again be staying the the cabin…
Join us as the Youth Truth Revue leads us through the epicness of the Bible and shows us God's greatness. All kids from Kindergarten to 5th grade are welcome to this adventure. Please read and sign this waiver for your child before the beginning of VBS. We can't wait to share God's truth with you!
Get ready for yet another glorious opportunity to serve others! Join us at the EDGE center at 10 AM for an outdoor service project....but make sure you have your waiver signed first! What you need for our project: Old clothing & old shoes (the materials we are working with will turn your clothing BLUE!0 Work Gloves Rakes or shovels NOTE:…
COST: Free What is DESTINATION UNKNOWN? Well...it's an adventure at an unknown destination. We can't tell you where it is or what it will be but we can ensure you that it's going to be fun! Get those waivers signed and join us at the EDGE center at 10 AM for our very first Destination Unknown!
We've worked hard this week. It's time to blow off some steam and party. Join us at the Willerson home at 4 PM for food and some time in the pool. You deserve some pool fun after a week of VBS! However, before the fun begins, please have your parents sign this waiver. You know the drill.
IT'S THEME NIGHT! This week, we want you to grab your cameras, stick those socks in some sandals, and wear your loudest tropical shirt as you become a tacky tourist. Hopefully, all the tackiness won't distract from God's word. Worship begins at 6 PM at the EDGE center.
Goodbye, June. HELLO, JULY! We're beginning the month of Freedom the right way with a service project. Join us at the EDGE center at 10 AM to serve our community for the glory of God. What better way is there to celebrate our freedom from sin?
IT'S THEME NIGHT AGAIN! This week, we honor our freedom by wearing the red, white, and blue. Give 'Merica a big shout out this week, students. We're proud to be Americans, right? Also, we are going to get our worship on at the EDGE center at 6 PM. Woot.
Serving is an honor and we are excited to give you another opportunity to serve others. Join us at the EDGE center at 10 AM and we will head out for another service project. Get excited, people! Also, be sure to sign that waiver!
COST: $5 It was such a big hit the first time we did it, that we are going to put it on repeat for the summer. Let's get our Mystery Dinner on! Bring $5 and join us at the EDGE center at 6 PM to eat mysteriously. Believe us, it's the best mystery meal you'll ever have. Be sure to…
It's time for surprise adventure. Join us at the EDGE center at 10 AM to something adventurous. Be sure to sign your waiver before you attend!
COST: Free Bring: Sack Lunch, Water Bottle, & Tennis Shoes It's time to get a little sports-y. Come out to the Helicopter park at 2 PM to kick the 'ol red rubber ball around in an all-out kickball tournament. It may be hot but it will be a lot of fun! See you there! You must have a signed waiver…
IT'S POOL PARTY TIME! We are meeting at the Vandiver home at 4 PM to hang out and have fun. Sign those waivers and we will see you there!
COST: Free Do you like to sing? Are you an enthusiastic performer? Are you tone deaf? THIS IS THE EVENT FOR YOU! Come out to the EDGE center at 6 PM to make a spectacle of yourself at our first ever Karaoke night. You don't have to be talented, you just have to be ready to have fun. If you…
"Buddy the Elf, what's your favorite color?" Haha. But seriously, wear your favorite color from head to toe tonight for worship at the EDGE center at 6 PM.
COST: FREE You've waited all summer for this moment: THE AMAZING RACE. Come out to the EDGE center at 1 PM. You won't know what to expect, who will be on your team, where you will be going, or who will win but you will most definitely make memories and have a lot of fun. We do know that there…
We are making lots of memories this summer but relationships are built when we serve together. Join us at the EDGE center at 10 AM to go on another service project. It'll be an experience that will grow you, we promise.
WHAT?! IT'S THE LAST POOL PARTY OF THE SUMMER?! Yup, it's true. This is our last pool party before the summer ends. Don't miss out on the fun. Come out to the Willerson home at 4 PM and enjoy our last pool gathering. Man, it's been fun.
IT'S OUR LAST THEME NIGHT! So for worship this week, we want you to snuggle up and get comfortable in your favorite hoodie for Hoodie Night. Come out and worship at the EDGE center at 6 PM in your coziest hoodie. We'll turn the AC down for you.
It is our last service project of the summer. Sad day. While you can serve others any time, this will be the last organized summer service project before school starts. Come on out to the EDGE center at 10 AM and love your community one last time with us! We hope you've gained a lot from serving others this summer.
COST: Free 2020 was kind of a dud wasn't it? It almost seems like it didn't happen at all. Well, we think that's a shame. To remedy this problem, we are hosting an event that will redeem the patheticness of 2020. Come on out to the EDGE center at 6 PM. You need to wear your finest attire and come…
It's our week of lasts...and this is our last Destination Unknown for the summer. Join us at the EDGE center at 7 AM if you are a boy and 12 PM if you are a girl to find out what your last adventure will be. Let's make it a good one, students! Oh, and don't forget to sign those waivers!
COST: Free This is it. The end of summer. How is that possible?! But now is not a time to mourn, but a time to celebrate. We had a great summer and our interns were UH-MAZING. Join us at the Helicopter Park at 6 PM to have food, play games, and say goodbye to our crazy awesome interns. It may…
With three services, a wide campus, and not quite enough space, it's hard for such a large congregation to worship together. To remedy this problem and to encourage community, we are having church at the park! Join us at the Helicopter park on Sunday, August 15th at 5 PM to worship, fellowship, and revel in God's goodness. If you have…
Information about the event: FOUR MAN SELECT SHOT 9 AM Shotgun Start Entry Fee: $50 per person $200 per team Must be over 18 to participate. First place will receive trophies and a $400 cash prize ($100 per person). Second place will receive trophies and a $200 cash prize ($50 per person). Prizes will be awarded 3rd-6th place. There will…
We're going BOWLING! Meet us at the EDGE center at 2 PM to grab a ride to Splitz Alley and show off your skills. Bring some spending cash and a fun attitude! It should be an awesome outing!
We're changing up worship Wednesday and having a bonfire! Join us as we head out to roast hot dogs & marshmallows with our friends. Bring a chair and something warm to snuggle under. We provide the food. You provide the good times. It should be a blast!
In preparation for Trunk or Treat, we are having a contest. Come out to the EDGE center every day this week to work on a pumpkin to help decorate our church-wide event. The pumpkins will be judged on October 30th during Trunk or Treat and the winner will receive a prize. Get creatively competitive and spooky, students. This is going…
It's time to serve our community by filling their children with candy. Come on out to the church parking lot with your decorated cars and give out as much sugar as you can to our neighbors. We will have games, food, and a bouncy house. If weather is bad, no worries! We will move it indoors to our gym. It's…
It's time for us to love on our students. We are so grateful for each and every one of you! Come out to the EDGE center during Wednesday worship and let us serve you dinner and share a meal with you. We will have a time of prayer and testimony as well. This is a great season to thank God…
It's finally time! This is one of our favorite events of the year! Join us at the EDGE center to break up into caravans and hit up the houses of some amazing hosts as we stuff ourselves silly at our annual Progressive Dinner. After we finish eating, we will meet back up at the EDGE center and exchange white elephant…
Join us after church to celebrate the holiday season! We will share testimonies, fellowship, and of course EAT. Tickets are $5 per person. If you would care to help or have any questions please contact Krista Savadge or Tara Maxwell.
"DON WE NOW OUR UGLY SWEATERS! FA-LA-LA-LA!" We can't let Christmas break begin without seeing our students decked out in ugly apparel, can we? Join us during Wednesday Worship time for an ugly sweater competition. Someone will go home with a prize! Everyone will get food and games and we will start our Christmas season with all sorts of cheer.
Winter Retreat 2021 Important Documents: 21-22 Group Packet (1) Assumption of Risk and Liability Release Agreement (1) Cataloochee Rental Agreement (1) Winter Retreat Information Dates: December 27-29, 2021 Where: Cataloochee Ski Area (Maggie Valley, NC) Cost: $150 ($25 deposit due at time of sign up; remaining $125 due on December 26th) PLEASE SIGN YOUR WAIVER HERE: https://app.waiverforever.com/pending/RKdQBcPzaS1638293944 ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— FAQs What is…
DNOW Speaker: Mitch Norman Band: Collin Baxter What is DNOW Weekend? DNOW Weekend is an in-town retreat, where we will spend a concentrated amount of time in small group study and large group worship gatherings. These small groups will meet, eat, and sleep in the home of the families from FBC. The groups will be divided by gender and grades.…
This is a fun event for all our ladies! Bring us two dozen of your favorite cookies along with a recipe and swap sweets with your friends. It will be a SWEET time to fellowship, so come and join us!
Join us for a family fun event full of Easter activities! We will have something for everyone in your family. There's an egg hunt, of course but we also have inflatables, games, food, and much more! Bring your baskets and your appetites because the FBC congregation is ready to have fun and serve you!
Summer is here and we are ready to start off right! Come join us tonight for our Summer Kickoff. Tonight is Pastor Chris' first Wednesday night and the interns are here! It is going to be a great night of hanging out. We will have hamburgers and hotdogs and there will be swimming. Please wear modest swimsuits. The kickoff is…
On Sunday, June 5th, we are taking our annual trip to watch a Lookouts game in Chattanooga. The Lookouts are the AA Minor League affiliate for the Cincinnati Reds. We will leave FBC following the conclusion of the 11 AM service. The group will eat lunch on the way (provided by FBC) and then will arrive at the ballpark in…
Date: June 12-18, 2022 Location: Davis, Oklahoma Cost: $150 The deadline to sign up is June 1st! If you have any questions please contact Pastor Michael (706-996-0357). Each participant will need a completed Falls Creek Release Form and a digitally signed FBC Release Form. Adult leaders attending Falls Creek will need a Falls Creek Adult Leader Release Form. For complete information including…
Our students and volunteers are going to be spending a few days serving our community in love and action. Starting tomorrow, June 21st at 8:30 AM, our students will be meeting at the EDGE center to head out and do community projects. Please wear work clothes that you don't mind getting dirty and bring a great attitude. We will wrap…
We're going to see the Chattanooga Football Club! If you love soccer and hanging out with friends, this is your event! Meet us at the EDGE center at 6 PM to head to the stadium and cheer on the CFC. Cost: $10 per person plus money for food. And be sure to sign your waiver! https://app.waiverforever.com/pending/WIhVe4SA6g1652119342
We know you've been dying for this night to finally happen! IT'S TIME TO HANGOUT WITH THE HARPERS! Meet us over at Chris & Bella's house to have tons of fun and get to know our new-ish student minister and his lovely wife. AND THERE WILL BE A SLIP-N-SLIDE so prepare to get soaked. Also, we think it goes without…
VBS Child Registration or https://waiver.fr/p-8ux5S Children’s Ministry VBS Sign-ups …
If you love the outdoors, you'll love this. We're going on a hike! We will be hiking the west rim of Cloudland canyon. It is a 5 mile hike at a moderately strenuous level. We will leave from the EDGE center at 7:30 am and be back by 12 pm. The students will need hiking boots (if they have them),…
Are you competitive? Do you like games? THIS IS THE EVENT FOR YOU! It's time for the second annual EDGE Book of Records. Join us at the FBC gym at 4 PM to compete in games that are meant to push you to your limit...sort of. See if you can beat last year's previous winners and have fun with friends.…
You've waited all summer for this moment: THE AMAZING RACE. Come out to the EDGE center at 12:00 PM for pizza and then the race will start at 1 PM! You won't know what to expect, who will be on your team, where you will be going, or who will win but you will most definitely make memories and…
WHAT?! IT'S THE LAST POOL PARTY OF THE SUMMER?! Yup, it's true. This is our last pool party before the summer ends. Don't miss out on the fun. Come out to the Willerson home at 4 PM and enjoy our last pool gathering. Man, it's been fun.
We are so excited to be taking students on a mission trip to Chicago this summer! We will be working with three local church plants in the Chicago area as they attempt to affect their local communities for Christ. This will be the second time the we have gone up to Chicago for mission work. We will be partnering with…
We will have "fan van" to go support our students who are playing football for GLMS. If your student wants to come please have them arrive at the church by 4:30 we will ride together from the church and plan to arrive back after the game, approximately 6:45. Please ensure your student brings money for entrance into the game and…
This Tuesday we will have "fan van" to go support our students who are playing for Saddle Ridge & Lakeview. If you want to come please arrive at the EDGE center by 4:15 PM. We will ride together from the church and plan to arrive back after the game at around 6:45 PM. Please bring money for entrance into the…
We are so excited to introduce a new way to further your student's growth in the Bible. This new class will be offered on Monday nights starting on September 12th from 5-6 PM in the Education Building. Chris will be teaching Apologetics 101 by going through the book, "Tactics" by Greg Koukl. The class will run from September to December.…
The Women's Ministry is starting a new fellowship initiative! When you sign up you will be placed in a group with 5 or 6 other ladies. These groups are randomly selected. The hostess from each group will contact you to find a time and place that works for your group. You'll meet at a local restaurant, share a meal, and…
Join us to serve the community! Our elder saints need some extra love from our church body and our students are the best fit for that task. Meet us at the EDGE center to stretch your service muscles and love others.
The senior adult ministry (M&Ms) will be gathering for lunch at The Post General Store at 2862 Lafayette Rd. in Fort Oglethorpe. Watch for additional details in the coming weeks.
It's Homecoming at Gordon Lee! This Friday we will have "fan van" to go support our students who are playing football for GLHS & LaFayette. If you want to come please arrive at the EDGE center by 6:45 PM. We will walk together from the church and plan to arrive back after the game at around 11 PM. Please bring…
Once a month a team goes to the homeless community in Chattanooga to take them supplies to minister to their spiritual needs. The next visit will be Saturday, September 24th. As the weather turns colder they will be collecting blankets and adult coats. Contact Jimmy or Sandy Kidd for more information.
Student and kids ministry are doing a joint cooking lesson event in the gym kitchen at 1 pm on September 24th. Please reach out to Aleks Litts if you have any questions or are interested in this event.
This Tuesday we will have "fan van" to go support our students who are playing softball for GLHS. If you want to come please arrive at the EDGE center by 5 PM. We will ride together from the church and plan to arrive back after the game at around 8 PM. Please bring money for entrance into the game and…
We are thrilled that Alan and Carrie Chandler have agreed to provide leadership for this ministry. They will be having a kickoff event at Camp New Dawn on October 2nd from 6-8 PM. For more information contact Carrie Chandler.
If you would like to fill a backpack for the 2022 Christmas Backpack Campaign, please see the bulletin insert for details. A monetary donation will be accepted and used to purchase items to fill a backpack. Last year, our goal was 50 backpacks and we delivered 66 to the Association Office. Let's make this year even bigger! If you have…
We are kicking off our fall Monday night Bible Study for ladies on September 19th at 6 pm in the Edge building. Tara Maxwell will be leading a study on Romans using the book, “In View of God’s Mercies” by Courtney Doctor. The book is $20. Contact Tara Maxwell if you are interested in the study.
We're taking a girls trip to the happiest place on earth: BUC-EE'S! Meet us at the EDGE center at 11 AM to get overwhelmed by brisket, t-shirts, and home decor. Did we mention this is a girls only event? Sorry, guys.
Just because you're on a break, that doesn't mean you stop supporting your peeps! This Tuesday we will have "fan van" to go support our students who are playing softball for GLHS. If you want to come please arrive at the EDGE center by 5 PM. We will ride together from the church and plan to arrive back after the…
The M&M's will be traveling to Blue Ridge/Ellijay for our annual apple picking trip on Thursday, October 13th, 2022. The bus will leave the church at around 8:45 AM and return around 4 PM. If you would like to go, see the sign up sheet in the Fellowship Hall or call Debbie Gossett.
We will observe the Lord's Supper in all three morning worship services.
Before it gets too chilly, let's enjoy the great outdoors as a group one more time. This Wednesday, join us at the church at 6 PM. We will caravan over the the Ford house for a bonfire. There will be games, s'mores, and more! We can't wait to share this fall event with all of you!
Put it on your calendar!! Date: Thursday, October 20 6-8pm Location: First Baptist Church of Chickamauga Dove award winning Christian Rock band Seventh Day Slumber and Relent will be rocking the EDGE building!
Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes will be collected from October 16 - November 13. We are now collecting empty shoeboxes in the church office. Go ahead and get an early start this year!
It's pumpkin carving time! To help add to the fun of our annual Trunk-or-Treat, we are having a pumpkin carving contest. The EDGE center will be open every day this week between 3 PM to 5 PM for all your carving needs. The pumpkins will be provided for you but you have to bring your own imagination and creativity.…
This Friday we will have "fan van" to go support our students who are playing football for GLHS & Ridgeland. If you want to come please arrive at the EDGE center by 7 PM. We will ride together from the church and plan to arrive back after the game at around 10:30 PM. Please bring money for entrance into the…
It may seem early to start advertising for Halloween, but after last year's fun we had to get a head start! WE NEED VOLUNTEERS! Whether you want to host a trunk, donate candy (we need A LOT), serve food, supervise a game, or hand out candy...WE CAN USE YOU! Please contact Ben Stone to sign up. This is going to…
Join us as we celebrate the upcoming birth of Chris & Bella Harper's first child. Shower them with gifts and love in the EDGE center and encourage them as they begin this new phase of life. Also, for those who are wondering, IT'S A GIRL! You can purchase items off their registry by following this link: Isabella's Babylist Registry
It's that wonderful time of the year when the staff, leaders, volunteers, and fellow church members take time to love on our students. Join us at the EDGE center at 6 PM to be served wonderful food prepared by loving hands. We will fill your bellies in appreciation of you all. There will also be a special guest speaker to…
Before the students head out to watch Thanksgiving Day football, why not play some football? Meet us at Gordon Lee High School to play with other student ministries and see who is the best at footballing.
A luncheon filled with food, fellowship, testimonies, photos, and a devotion! We always look forward to this event because we have 75-100 women from FBC in one room enjoying a time of fellowship! Tickets go on sale November 1st. They are only $5! We hope you will come and invite your mother, daughter, sister or friend! You can sign up: 1-…
Let's celebrate before we go our separate ways to end the year with friends and family. Join us at the EDGE center to PARTAY. Wear your ugliest sweater and bring your holiday cheer. This is going to be our last bash of the year so let's do it right! There will be an ugly sweater contest with prizes. There will…
Join us for one of our most favorite events! Meet at the EDGE center and divide into caravaning groups to visit different homes for each course of a holiday meal (appetizer, entre, & dessert). Once we have visited with our hosts and sufficiently stuffed our faces, we will meet back at the EDGE center for a White Elephant Gift exchange.…
Before school re-starts and before the year ends, we like to gather our students, ski and connect with God. Join us for our annual outing to North Carolina for skiing, quality time, and a refresh for your spirit before all the madness of school and activities begins again. The $50 deposit to hold your spot is due on Sunday, December…
Be on the lookout for details for our Women's Retreat coming up February 3- 4, 2023!
ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL?! Even if you aren't ready, we invite you to join us for the biggest event in the NFL season, the SUPER BOWL! Come watch the big game on our big screen, enjoy snacky foods, play some games, and hang out with friends. This is more than just a student event; parents, siblings, family members,…
EVENT COST: $40 This is one of our favorite weekends of the year! This conference really grows our students and allows us to gather with a large group of fellow believers from our surrounding areas. Students will stay at host homes for where they will eat and rest between small group sessions and Bible assemblies. There are always lots…
Four Man Select Shot 8:30 AM Shotgun Start Each year, FBCC sponsors a golf tournament. This is a church activity in which those who attend church and members of the community come together for a day of golf, fun, & fellowship. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. The state of play will be four-man select shot. Entry fee is $65…
COST: $25 Let's start off spring break with some excitement. Join us for an afternoon of possibly painful but definitely messy fun as we go to Insane Paintball to run off all the energy our students have been sitting on as they have worked so studiously this year. Students, be sure to sign that waiver!
This is one of our favorite events of the year that includes everyone in the family. Join us at the Gordon Lee Mansion the Saturday before Easter to let the kiddos run and gather candy filled eggs. It begins at 10 AM! We hope to see a lot of our community there so we can share the love of Christ…
SCHOOL'S OUT FOR SUMMER! It's time to kick-off the funnest part of the ministry year with a big pool party! This is a family event hosted by EDGE student ministries. If you have a student currently in our program or a student that is moving up from AWANA, this is a great way to be introduced to what our student…
Can you really just watch a movie and not be affected? Does faith intersect with pop culture? This summer, EDGE Academy will be exploring these questions as we embark on a five week journey to understand how media and faith relate. Every week we will watch a movie with Mrs. Bella Harper and follow the film with a discussion on…
This summer, we are encouraging our students to serve! Join us every Wednesday from 2-4 pm to serve others in our community. Afterward, feel free to hang out at the EDGE center with friends. We will serve a dinner at 4:45 PM and have a time of worship afterward. It's a day full of worship through word and deed that…
It's game time! Gather your friends and go door-to-door to trade your smaller item for something better. The team with the biggest and best item at the end of the game wins! It's a crazy game that tests your ability to barter and is always a lot of fun. Let's see who will come out on top! Students, please remember…
COST: $150 per student We are heading to Oklahoma again! This is our student's favorite part of summer and it's easy to see why. Between games, food, and lots of worship our students grow in truth and spirit and bond as a ministry while we are at summer camp in Falls Creek. Here is the mission statement of the camp…
Can you really just watch a movie and not be affected? Does faith intersect with pop culture? This summer, EDGE Academy will be exploring these questions as we embark on a five week journey to understand how media and faith relate. Every week we will watch a movie with Mrs. Bella Harper and follow the film with a discussion on…
This summer, we are encouraging our students to serve! Join us every Wednesday from 2-4 pm to serve others in our community. Afterward, feel free to hang out at the EDGE center with friends. We will serve a dinner at 4:45 PM and have a time of worship afterward. It's a day full of worship through word and deed that…
It's your time to shine. It's karaoke, baby! You know the rules: pick a great song and sing as loud as you can. Dancing is more than acceptable. No boos. No harassment. Just lots of cheers and tons of fun. We provide the stage and the mic. You provide all the entertainment. Students, please remember to complete your waiver for…
VBS is coming! Please join us for a week of gospel fun and learning. If you plan on attending, please take a moment to fill out our online registration form: 2023 VBS Registration Form https://waiver.fr/p-jmysM If you plan on volunteering, please fill out this waiver: 2023 VBS Registration Form https://waiver.fr/p-jmysM
As if bowling wasn't fun enough, we are adding a little twist to the game. Dress up in your weirdest outfit and prepare to bowl as you have never bowled before. Students, please remember to complete your waiver for this event.
It's America's greatest pastime and we are here for it. Join us as we cheer on the home team and enjoy some peanuts and cracker jacks at AT&T stadium in Chattanooga. PLAY BALL! Students, please remember to complete your waiver for this event.
Can you really just watch a movie and not be affected? Does faith intersect with pop culture? This summer, EDGE Academy will be exploring these questions as we embark on a five week journey to understand how media and faith relate. Every week we will watch a movie with Mrs. Bella Harper and follow the film with a discussion on…
This summer, we are encouraging our students to serve! Join us every Wednesday from 2-4 pm to serve others in our community. Afterward, feel free to hang out at the EDGE center with friends. We will serve a dinner at 4:45 PM and have a time of worship afterward. It's a day full of worship through word and deed that…
What says summer more than a good swim? What about a nice evening at the movies? What about both?! Join us at the Hamlett home as we splash, eat, and veg in front of the big screen for a new event that is sure to leave you pruny and entertained. BYOF-Bring Your Own Float. Students, please remember to complete your…
Can you really just watch a movie and not be affected? Does faith intersect with pop culture? This summer, EDGE Academy will be exploring these questions as we embark on a five week journey to understand how media and faith relate. Every week we will watch a movie with Mrs. Bella Harper and follow the film with a discussion on…
This summer, we are encouraging our students to serve! Join us every Wednesday from 2-4 pm to serve others in our community. Afterward, feel free to hang out at the EDGE center with friends. We will serve a dinner at 4:45 PM and have a time of worship afterward. It's a day full of worship through word and deed that…
We have a last minute event added to the summer calendar. Join us at the EDGE center at 5 PM tomorrow to head to Hamilton Skate Place for their Christian skate night. The cost is $10 per student. We are asking that students be pre-fed for this event or that they bring extra cash for the snack counter. There is…
What's a game of kickball without a little challenge? Join us at the Ford home to get insane with some sports and sliding. Wear something that can get soaked and bring and towel for afterward. It's always a hit (sometimes literally) so you won't want to miss this event. Students, please remember to complete your waiver for this event.
Can you really just watch a movie and not be affected? Does faith intersect with pop culture? This summer, EDGE Academy will be exploring these questions as we embark on a five week journey to understand how media and faith relate. Every week we will watch a movie with Mrs. Bella Harper and follow the film with a discussion on…
This summer, we are encouraging our students to serve! Join us every Wednesday from 2-4 pm to serve others in our community. Afterward, feel free to hang out at the EDGE center with friends. We will serve a dinner at 4:45 PM and have a time of worship afterward. It's a day full of worship through word and deed that…
Summer is ending but the fun doesn't have to stop. Join us as we splash and play at an all family pool party. It will be tons of fun!
This is our longest standing tradition! Join us as we race around Chickamauga and the surrounding areas in teams to prove who is the best & brightest...simply for bragging rights. It's always fun and brings out the fun, competitive spirit of all our students. If you would like to volunteer to help, please contact Krista Savadge. Students, please remember to…
We are sending a select group of students to help and minister to community churches in Chicago. It's a great spiritual experience and a wonderful mission trip for our students. Please pray for our students and volunteers as they work with the people of Chicago to reach the lost for Christ. If you would like to sponsor a scholarship for…
Just a fun time for moms of preschoolers or younger to come and fellowship with other moms as our kids play with each other. We will be at the FBC Gym and have gym like activities for kids to play with (balls, basketballs, hula hoops, etc)
Here's something you don't get everyday, a FREE CONCERT! Please join us at the EDGE center to enjoy the musical stylings of Mitch McVicker, Dove award winning singer-songwriter. McVicker’s concert is a little bit Mark Twain meets MacGyver. His quirky and inventive approach includes insightful song lyrics, unconventional instruments, and profound storytelling. His concert connects the everyday with the otherworldly.…
It's time for our first big event of the 2023/2024 school year! We are trying something new and having a mini-camp breakout. Bring your sleeping bags and your best attitude and we will supply the rest. It should be a great weekend of student bonding in the great outdoors. Meet us at the EDGE center at 5:30 pm on Friday,…
Drop by for a cup of coffee, a muffin, and some fellowship with other moms of preschoolers! We will be able to chat, have a small devotion or testimony shared, and pray for each other. If you are a mom with littles who do not go to preschool or they are too young, they are more than welcome to join.…
Every so often we are blessed to be asked to serve our community. Join our students as we run the concession stand at Gordon Lee High School during their football game on their home turf. It's so much fun, that it doesn't even seem like work! It's a great chance to serve (literally) and get to know the students &…
Before it gets too chilly, let's enjoy the great outdoors as a group one more time. This Wednesday, join us at the church at 6 PM. We will caravan over the the Ford house for a bonfire. There will be games, s'mores, and more! We can't wait to share this fall event with all of you! Please remember to sign…
The M&M's will be traveling to Blue Ridge/Ellijay for our annual apple picking trip on Thursday, October 19th, 2022. The bus will leave the church at around 9 AM and return around 4 PM. If you would like to go, see the sign up sheet in the Fellowship Hall or call Debbie Gossett.
Drop by for a cup of coffee, a muffin, and some fellowship with other moms of preschoolers! We will be able to chat, have a small devotion or testimony shared, and pray for each other. If you are a mom with littles who do not go to preschool or they are too young, they are more than welcome to join.…
It's that wonderful time of the year when the staff, leaders, volunteers, and fellow church members take time to love on our students. Join us at the EDGE center at 6 PM to be served wonderful food prepared by loving hands. We will fill your bellies in appreciation of you all. There will also be a special guest speaker to…
Drop by for a cup of coffee, a muffin, and some fellowship with other moms of preschoolers! We will be able to chat, have a small devotion or testimony shared, and pray for each other. If you are a mom with littles who do not go to preschool or they are too young, they are more than welcome to join.…
Let's have a girls night out! We have planned a girls-only light tour/ limo ride. This is a great time to get dressed up, treat ourselves to some sweets, and see the holiday sights. The cost is $25. The deadline to have that paid is December 13th. THAT IS A HARD DEADLINE.
We normally have our annual White Elephant gift exchange after the Progressive Dinner, but this year we decided to change things up and do it during our Christmas party. Join us on December 20th for snacks, games, & a very silly gift exchange. All the festivities will happen after our normal time of worship and be a great beginning to…
COST: $250 ****$50 deposit due 12/13/23**** WE ARE HEADING OUT TO SKI!!! This is one of our favorite student events and it's an extra day longer this year! This year we are going to have a tiered cost system that will be set up as follows: Skiing + Renting Bib & Jacket - $250 Skiing (renting Bib OR Jacket) -…
Let's bust out of those winter blues by getting some pent-up energy out. Meet us at the EDGE center and we will caravan into Chattanooga to do some indoor climbing at High Point! It should be a great day no matter what the weather looks like. Don't forget to sign your High point waiver & your church waiver!
For all our many events that happen over the year, we need a little cash. It's easier to ask for money when hard work and yummy food are involved. Join our students at the FBC gym after the traditional worship service ends for some grub and some love. If you feel so inclined, give a little dough to keep our…
Join us as we give back to our community by doing construction projects for those in need. You don't have to be a professional, you simply need time and the ability to learn. All are welcome.
Have you been visiting with our church and considering membership? Are you curious about our various ministries? Have you ever gotten confused by our many buildings and service times? Have been wanting to get to know others but can't seem to put names with faces? We have the event for you! Join us at the EDGE center for a series…
Have you been visiting with our church and considering membership? Are you curious about our various ministries? Have you ever gotten confused by our many buildings and service times? Have been wanting to get to know others but can't seem to put names with faces? We have the event for you! Join us at the EDGE center for a series…
As we prepare for a season of worship and celebration, our students will be experiencing an authentic Seder service hosted by a special guest. Please RSVP for this event by signing your waiver.
Have you been visiting with our church and considering membership? Are you curious about our various ministries? Have you ever gotten confused by our many buildings and service times? Have been wanting to get to know others but can't seem to put names with faces? We have the event for you! Join us at the EDGE center for a series…
If your lunchroom is your kitchen and your classmates are your siblings, here's a little something to break up the monotony of your daily homeschool grind. Join our student minister at the EDGE center with your bag lunch and get the homeschool version of the lunchroom and pester Chris at the same time. It's always fun and a great way…
Join us for our annual Maundy Thursday service where we prepare our hearts to worship our crucified, dead, buried, and RISEN Lord and Savior. Please stay and listen to our choir present "the Passion Song" and lead us into our Easter season.
We are heading out to visit our neighbors! Join us at the EDGE center and we will hit the road with flyers for our upcoming block party. For your safety please fill out your waiver for this event.
Join us as we give back to our community by doing construction projects for those in need. You don't have to be a professional, you simply need time and the ability to learn. All are welcome.
If your lunchroom is your kitchen and your classmates are your siblings, here's a little something to break up the monotony of your daily homeschool grind. Join our student minister at the EDGE center with your bag lunch and get the homeschool version of the lunchroom and pester Chris at the same time. It's always fun and a great way…
Our students are hosting a Block Party for a nearby neighborhood. There will be games, snacks, balloon animals, face painting, and lots of love for our neighbors. Please join us to serve others for Christ. It should be a fun afternoon! For your safety and ours please sign your waiver for this event.
Join us as we give back to our community by doing construction projects for those in need. You don't have to be a professional, you simply need time and the ability to learn. All are welcome.
It’s time for some fun in the pool. Join us tomorrow afternoon to begin our summer events with a splash. The party will be held from 2 PM-5 PM at Camp New Dawn. If you need a ride, there is LIMITED space in car pools, so please contact Chris Harper. Otherwise, we will see you at camp! For your safety…
Camp is our first big event of the summer and it's a change from what we normally do every year. This year is our first time at Ridgecrest Centrifuge Camp. The distance isn't as long and we will be able to stay the entire week instead of leaving early to travel back home. They have lots of fun activities, break…
Join us as we give back to our community by doing construction projects for those in need. You don't have to be a professional, you simply need time and the ability to learn. All are welcome.
This summer, we are encouraging our students to serve! Join us every Wednesday from 2-4 pm to serve others in our community. Afterward, feel free to hang out at the EDGE center with friends. We will serve a dinner at 4:45 PM and have a time of worship afterward. It's a day full of worship through word and deed that…
This summer, we are encouraging our students to serve! Join us every Wednesday from 2-4 pm to serve others in our community. Afterward, feel free to hang out at the EDGE center with friends. We will serve a dinner at 4:45 PM and have a time of worship afterward. It's a day full of worship through word and deed that…
We have a very generous church family that gives so much to our students whenever they are given the opportunity. As a big thank-you to all who donate so freely to our student ministry, we are hosting a banquet complete with great food, good company, fancy linens, and some precious testimonies. Please come and let us show our gratefulness for…
What's a game of kickball without a little challenge? Join us at the Ford home to get insane with some sports and sliding. Wear something that can get soaked and bring and towel for afterward. It's always a hit (sometimes literally) so you won't want to miss this event. Students, in order to participate in this event you MUST complete…
For teens: Just because you are older doesn't mean you don't get to enjoy VBS. Sure, you may not be a kid but you can still have some fun serving. Bring a great attitude and the gospel because we are serving kids for Christ! Whether you are attending Middle School VBS or helping to serve, please be sure to fill…
This summer, we are encouraging our students to serve! Join us every Wednesday from 2-4 pm to serve others in our community. Afterward, feel free to hang out at the EDGE center with friends. We will serve a dinner at 4:45 PM and have a time of worship afterward. It's a day full of worship through word and deed that…
We are raising money for missions! If you have a dirty car or even a mildly dusty vehicle, please come by O'Reilly's Autoparts and let our students spruce up your ride for a small donation. Every little bit helps and we are eager to serve! Students, please fill out your waiver.
It's time for some fun in the pool. With our group growing, we will need to be at separate locations but it will still be a blast...just a less crowded blast. For your safety and ours, please sign your event waiver.
Hamilton Skate Place has a discount skate night, so we are gathering a group to take advantage of some fun summer savings. If you would like to skate to some pop music, play arcade games, or snack on some candy, join us at the EDGE center tomorrow at 6 PM. We will caravan to the Skate Place and make some…
This summer, we are encouraging our students to serve! Join us every Wednesday from 2-4 pm to serve others in our community. Afterward, feel free to hang out at the EDGE center with friends. We will serve a dinner at 4:45 PM and have a time of worship afterward. It's a day full of worship through word and deed that…
Join us as we give back to our community by doing construction projects for those in need. You don't have to be a professional, you simply need time and the ability to learn. All are welcome.
This summer, we are encouraging our students to serve! Join us every Wednesday from 2-4 pm to serve others in our community. Afterward, feel free to hang out at the EDGE center with friends. We will serve a dinner at 4:45 PM and have a time of worship afterward. It's a day full of worship through word and deed that…
This summer, we are encouraging our students to serve! Join us every Wednesday from 2-4 pm to serve others in our community. Afterward, feel free to hang out at the EDGE center with friends. We will serve a dinner at 4:45 PM and have a time of worship afterward. It's a day full of worship through word and deed that…
It's a sad time of the year where we finish up our summer and say goodbye to our interns. But let's not dwell on the sadness. Instead, let's celebrate the good times we had by playing games, eating great food, and competing like the fine athletes we are. The Olympics had their opening ceremonies but at the EDGE center we…
Join us as we give back to our community by doing construction projects for those in need. You don't have to be a professional, you simply need time and the ability to learn. All are welcome.
A new school year is upon us and in preparation for the year ahead we are walking around Gordon Lee and praying for our students from all school districts. Please join us as we petition God on behalf of our students and their parents. For our safety and yours please sign a waiver for this event.
FBC Chickamauga is celebrating it's 174th anniversary as a church! To celebrate, we are combining all of our services to worship as one body. There will be both traditional and contemporary music during worship, We will also have a few baby dedications! Afterward, join us in our gym for a delicious pot-luck lunch. Please feel free to contribute to the…
Join us as we give back to our community by doing construction projects for those in need. You don't have to be a professional, you simply need time and the ability to learn. All are welcome.
We will be painting a canvas tote bag (we will have stencils if you aren’t artistic!). This is merely a good excuse for us to gather together and fellowship together! If you don’t think you need a painted tote bag, think Christmas gift! The cost is $5. We will have coffee available. Please bring your own snacks as you want…
Come out to the Fryar home to have some fun and eat some grub! This is an event that is bridging the intergenerational gap with cornhole and BBQ chicken. Show up hungry and bring a lawn-chair! This should be great manly gathering.
Every so often we are blessed to be asked to serve our community. Join our students as we run the concession stand at Gordon Lee High School during their football game on their home turf. It's so much fun, that it doesn't even seem like work! It's a great chance to serve (literally) and get to know the students &…
Join us as we give back to our community by doing construction projects for those in need. You don't have to be a professional, you simply need time and the ability to learn. All are welcome.
Before it gets too chilly, let's enjoy the great outdoors as a group one more time. This Wednesday, join us at the church at 6 PM. We will caravan over the the Ford house for a bonfire. There will be games, s'mores, and more! We can't wait to share this fall event with all of you! Please remember to sign…
It's time to serve our community by filling their children with candy. Come on out to the church parking lot with your decorated cars and give out as much sugar as you can to our neighbors. We will have games, food, and a bouncy house. If weather is bad, no worries! We will move it indoors to our gym. It's…
Join us as we give back to our community by doing construction projects for those in need. You don't have to be a professional, you simply need time and the ability to learn. All are welcome.
It's that wonderful time of the year when the staff, leaders, volunteers, and fellow church members take time to love on our students. Join us at the EDGE center at 6 PM to be served wonderful food prepared by loving hands. We will fill your bellies in appreciation of you all. There will also be a special guest speaker to…